Lavender- Beneficial Gift Of Nature

4 min readJan 15, 2021


When you hear the word Lavender, you may get two specific traits in your mind. The beautiful colour purple and it’s therapeutic fragrance. Many people limit their knowledge only to these two traits. However, there is more to the herb than what meets your eye and nose. The flowering plant in the mint family is easily classified by its sweet floral essence. Lavender is praised as one of the lively scents across bath and body care for its soothing, relaxing fragrant gifts. The most innovative invention from lavender is its ability to set its mark amongst various body care, face care and hair care products.

If you are wondering how lavender is essential for you, then this article is for you.

1) Improves your Sleep and Relaxes your Mind- Tired of recklessly changing your sleeping position only to cause a mess of your routine? You might think cutting off caffeine and engaging in exercises and yoga might work. At times they do but sometimes don’t. This won’t be your problem anymore because Lavender will be like your bedtime story session. If you’re aiming for a restful night’s sleep, then try applying the Charcoal Matcha Face Wash at night. The Lavender extracts along with Activated Charcoal present in the face wash helps in relaxing you after a long and hectic day. Uplift your mood and regain your sleep with the pleasant smell and the sensual atmosphere of your surroundings. A piece of advice, try applying a few drops of Lavender oil on your pillow before going to sleep. However, be sure to not ingest it, or any other essential oil, as doing so may cause health injuries. Thus it is better to trust products like the Charcoal Matcha Face Wash than ingesting directly.

2) Ensures Healthy Hair Growth- If you suffer from hair fall or dandruff, then try applying lavender oil on your hair. It makes your hair strong and healthy. Many people have stated how lavender oil has helped with issues like alopecia, also known as pattern baldness. As lavender is known for its soothing fragrance, thus, it also provides a relaxing massage benefit for all hair types. Additionally, it provides a fresh aroma which is a delight for your day. A rare known fact is that it prevents lice too

3) Tackles Muscle Soreness and Joint Ache- Imagine if you have a 9–5 desk job. You probably wouldn’t even in slightest imagine about the lavender bath salts benefits as part of your routine for staying energized and healthy throughout the day. You would rather go and buy knee pads or back support belts and shoes to help keep your back healthy from sitting hours on a chair and so forth. Throughout the day you drink water, coffee or something that offers you more energy and protein. After your long day when you get home, you relax on the couch and watch television. This is where you are missing an unprecedented chance to remarkably help your body. The lavender bath salts additionally help in calming down your nervous system, relaxes your body, relieves muscles and joint pains. Lavender sea salt has a unique composition of minerals that provides therapeutic qualities to your skin. The coarse-grained texture of salt helps in removing dead skin cells from the skin’s surface. Try it out if you’re overloaded with work or are an athlete.

4) All-in-one Face Protector- Instead of carrying multiple products for your face, try applying a face wash with rich and rare ingredients Carrot extracts, Peruvian pink pepper, Aquarich, Black oats and Chamomile extracts then try out the Dryness Control Face Wash. The best fragrance of lavender combined with chamomile generates a tranquil and soothing atmosphere for your skin. Pamper your face with the revitalizing Dryness Control Face Wash that leaves your skin feeling rejuvenated and hydrated. It targets the dark spots, pores, lifeless skin and boosts the cell regeneration process to get brighter, hydrated and smoother skin tone. Lavender purifies your face and prepares it to absorb the nutrients and moisturizers. It will enrich your skin with components essential for a secure and charming appearance. Be ensured that your face will stay protected as Thyme Organic Products are free from any toxins like Formaldehyde, Parabens, Sulphates and others.

As you can see, Lavender is far more than just a pretty colour or an exotic plant. You can witness a variety of ailments that may benefit your skin, hair, face and in fact, your lifestyle Irrespective if the lavender is in oil, capsule, bath salt, mud mask, face wash, face scrub or tea form. Good luck, and stay healthy with Thyme Organic.




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